I decided I would try Coconut Macaroons. We use to make them when I was a child at Christmas, they were simple and took few ingredients. So I spent some time looking at various recipes and decided to go with a very basic one, egg whites, sugar, coconut, vanilla.
Well they kinda tasted okay... the kids ate them. But it's like the egg and sugar oozed out of the coconut and left a sticky round mess around a mound of bland coconut. Needless to say the mounds didn't hold their shape very well because the egg seeped out.
Now I'm more determined than ever to find and create a recipe that works better. But we couldn't go a week without a good cookie. So I whipped up a batch of chocolate chip cookies figuring it was a good opportunity to blog about the cookie that started off this whole adventure.
My never ever fail Chocolate Chip Cookie... and no you can't have the recipe. Sorry I know I'm blogging, but there are few recipes I hold sacred.
I don't know there's something so maternal about whipping up a batch of chocolate chip cookie... kids trying to steal the chips off the counter, others picking at the dough while you're busy putting a baking sheet in the oven.
The house fills with the familiar smell of warm cookies and it brings a smile to every ones face... MMMmmm warm cookies!
If your looking for a good recipe or you just want to try a new one I suggest the original Toll House recipe. It's easy to find on the back of any Toll House Chocolate chip bag.
And since it was Sesame Streets 40th anniversary this week I will leave you with this.
"Now what start with "c", cookie starts with "c", now let's think of other things that start with "c." Ahh, I don't care about those other things. C is for cookie, that's good enough for me!" -Cookie Monster
If you would like to watch Cookie Monster in his prime singing this classic just head to youtube.com