However, I soon became very very tired and just getting up in the morning was a huge challenge, let alone even thinking about baking a new cookie or documenting it... Nevertheless I did bake. The kids like it when I bake, it's fun for me and it's great for them to measure, pour things, learn to crack eggs and stir. Though it's not documented I baked nearly every week and even made stain glass cutout cookies and my (Martha Stewart's) famous gingerbread for cookies and houses for the holidays. We actually made 6 gingerbread houses this year and they all stood up. Which is an accomplishment considering the kids (3-7) did most of the work.
As I've moved into my second trimester, I have regained some of my lost energy. I still don't know if I've got in me to bake and document something new every week but I'm hoping to at least get a few more cookie posts in before baby makes it's grand entrance. Also, I have to make a few cakes in the near future. It's something I started just last year and really like doing!!!
I made this Star Wars Death Star cake last April. It was my first 3D cake and I learned a lot from my experience. I'm still upset that the cake is not round... it's more oval then I anticipated, but I think it still turned out okay.
In October I made a Batmobile cake. My husband actually helped to carve it and did a fantastic job. He thought it would be so easy... and it was!! I'm hoping I can use his skills again. The cake required some gum paste accessories and I was thrilled with the results.
In the next few months I need to make 3 cakes. A Cookie Monster cake for a 2 yrs. old. A baby shower cake for a dear friend and lastly we are approaching April and now I have a little boy who dreams big when it comes to cake!!